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Frequently Asked Questions

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Firewise communities are those that have taken appropriate measures to become more resistant to wildfire structural damage. This includes regular maintenance of flammable foliage, education, and many other actions.

Heritage Ranch is a Firewise Community. For more information and to view the current Firewise Community Certificate, click here.

Dogs must be leashed at all times while in the Main Marina except while in the water.  Proper pooper scooper rules apply at all times.

Speed bumps, like them or hate them, you decide.  The speed bumps around Heritage Ranch are handled by vote of a majority of those property owners that travel over them.  In other words, if you want one out, 50% + 1 must agree.  If you want one added, 50% + 1 must agree.  The HROA Office can give you the names of those you need to solicit and if you are successful in your endeavor they are scheduled to be put in or removed when your road is being overlaid or when it receives major road repair work.

Mowing of HROA common areas along the roadways, and in areas reasonably accessible with HROA equipment, under normal circumstances begins around April 1st of each year, when we are satisfied the growth-cycle has stopped or slowed.  We want to encourage native species to reproduce so the seed-head is important to see.  This allows us to stay away from thistle forming.   This is a big job and time-sensitive.   When we have a particularly wet Spring, we start mowing when the ground is dry enough to try to catch up. 

2024 Mowing Schedule 

HROA Staff Mowing Schedule
Area Status
Marina Complete
Parks  Continuous 
Gateway Drive Complete
Heritage Road Complete
Heritage Loop Road Complete
Equestrian Road Complete
693 Greenbelts Complete
446 Greenbelts  
475 Greenbelts  
424 Greenbelts  
Contract Mowing Schedule
Area Status
1910 Complete
1990 Complete
1094  Complete
721  Complete
452  Complete
Fire Crews 
Area Status
693 Agreement Development
Sheep Grazing Schedule
Area Status
1910 / G14  August 2nd Arrival
1990 / G14  
1990 / Holly  
1094 / 20's   
452 / 474  
720 / 466  

The rules allow each property owner to reserve up to two (2) campsites at any one time, with the provision that special arrangements can be made through the HROA Office for group reservations.  In order to obtain a group reservation, each of following must be complied with: 1) the reservation dates cannot correspond with one of the three (3) major holiday weekends or during fair week; 2) the property owner must pay in full at the time of reservation; and 3) the campsites selected are subject to not having use of premium spots.  Additionally, no refunds will be given under any circumstances and the property owner is subject to revocation of future privileges depending on the negative activity of their guests.

Campground reservations are made through the HROA Office.  (See HROA Rules and Regulations for additional information.)

Each of our three (3) parks are named for the streets they are located on:  Equestrian Park is on Equestrian Road; Gateway Park is on Gateway Drive; and Heritage Park is on Heritage Road.

Assessments are to be paid quarterly and are due at the HROA Office on: January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st.  They are considered delinquent if not paid through the HROA Office by the 15th for which a $10.00 late charge is assessed.  The HROA Office sends out payment booklets prior to the beginning of each Fiscal Year, in June.  (HROA is not responsible for the mail service to make proper delivery, so please mark your calendar to remind you of the due dates for assessments.) 

HROA offers you a convenient way to pay your assessments at no charge to you.  Simply complete an 'Automatic Assessment Payment' form at the HROA Office indicating the method of payment you prefer (credit card or checking account).  The HROA Office will then automatically charge your account when due.

The small pool at Equestrian Park and the large pool at Gateway park are opened when the water is warmed enough by the solar heaters.  This is usually around the Memorial Day weekend. Both pools are closed shortly after Labor Day weekend.  This is determined by the weather each year and subject to adjustment. 

The pool temperatures are checked on a regular basis.  As long as they maintain a minimum of 78-80 degrees, HROA's goal is to schedule a longer swimming season.

The shoreline is available on a first-come first-serve basis for use by all property owners and their guests.   Where there is room, any property owner or their guest has the right to temporarily tie up their vessel to the shoreline as long as that vessel is registered through the Main Gatehouse.  If a vessel is left for more than 72 hours unattended (not used for boating within that 72 hours), that vessel is considered "stored" and a citation may be issued against the owner.

A red tag is only needed during the "off season" (excepting Tracts 424, 446, 474, 1910 and 1990 -- see below).  A red tag allows you to temporarily park your camper, vessel/trailer or recreational vehicle unit in your driveway overnight.  During the "boating season", which runs from the Friday before Memorial Day through Labor Day, you can park or store your camper, vessel/trailer or recreational vehicle unit in your driveway without needing a red tag. 

Each red tag is good for 24 hours.  Property owners are allowed a maximum of 30 total in a calendar year.  Contact the Main Gatehouse to register for a red tag.  

Tracts 424, 446 and 474:  NO RED TAGS REQUIRED -- As of May 1, 2006 Tracts 424, 446 and 474 have amended their CC&Rs to allow for parking of campers, vessels/trailers and recreational vehicle units on a lot in the front set-back on a driveway without the need for screening year-round

Tracts 1910 and 1990:  RED TAGS NOT ALLOWED -- Tract 1910 and 1990 CC&Rs allow owners in those tracts to park their camper, vessel/trailer or recreational vehicle unit in their driveways year-round (for up to 72 hours without moving), but they cannot store their camper, vessel/trailer or recreational vehicle unit in their driveways.  After 72 hours without moving, any camper, vessel/trailer or recreational vehicle must be stored away from view in a garage-type enclosure (excepting trailers). 

The Main Gatehouse can be reached at 805-238-9641 option 2.

The HROA Board of Directors passed a resolution in 1998 to grandfather in the 62 existing private docks that had been registered through Monterey County at that time and ban any future private docks.   The Private Boat Dock Policy's stated goal is to phase out all private docks over a period of time.  The grandfathered private docks cannot be sold or transferred except to an immediate family member who inherits the owner's property at Heritage Ranch.  As of May 1, 2006 there were 32 legal docks left around the Main Marina and 10 legal docks left anchored up Snake Creek.  The two (2) Condo Associations in Heritage Ranch also have docks up Snake Creek which are separate from HROA.   The private dock owners must register with both HROA and Monterey County each year, pay a fee and provide appropriate insurance.  They must also keep their private docks in good repair.  (See Private Boat Dock Policy)

Trash pick-up is administered through the Heritage Ranch Community Services District (HRCSD) excepting Tracts 447, 466 and 720.  The HRCSD determines the rates and options available, and is under contract with San Miguel Garbage to perform those services.  The Heritage Ranch Owners' Association (HROA) Board of Directors passed a resolution in 1999 to require all those property owner lots which have a water meter to take (a form of) mandatory trash service through the HRCSD.  (See HROA Mandatory Trash Resolution) 

Tract 447 is for part-time living only (RVs) and HROA provides a dumpster site for which the owners of Tract 447 pay a separate trash assessment directly to HROA.  Tract 466 and 720 are both condominium tracts which are managed by Condominium Associations who provide a dumpster site on their property and collect appropriate fees.

The HRCSD can be reached at 805-227-6230.  San Miguel Garbage can be reached at 805-467-9283.

If you are searching for an item lost, or found an item and want to turn it in, you should go to the Main Gatehouse.  The Main Gatehouse inventories all "Lost and Found" items.  (Large items are kept in the Maintenance Yard.)

The Main Gatehouse can be reached at 805-238-9641 option 2.