Meeting Schedule
Date/Time: First Thursday of Every Month at 9:00 am
Place: HROA Member Services Office Conference Room
Please click here to view Calendar
Project submission deadline is the Friday prior to each meeting by 4:00 pm.
Any member who would like to join and/or just sit in during one of our monthly meetings is welcomed to do so.
About the AEC Committee
The Architectural and Environmental Control (AEC) Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson must also be members of the HROA Board of Directors. All AEC Committee members must be in "good standing" and it is recommended they attend a few meetings prior to being approved by the HROA Board of Directors. Committee members must acknowledge and accept the Ethics Policy for committee members in order to serve on the committee. Visitors and volunteers do not participate in the committee's discussions after the meeting has been called to order. Visitors and volunteers do not vote on committee motions. The mission of the AEC Committee is to review and approve/disapprove all plans and specifications for any structure or improvement on any privately owned lot or lots in Heritage Ranch. This review will be in accordance with the CC&Rs that govern the tract that the plans and specifications were submitted for.
AEC Committee Responsibilities
- An agenda will be prepared and minutes shall be kept for all AEC Committee meetings. Robert's Rules of Order will govern the conduct of the meetings. Minutes are available for review at the HROA Member Services Office.
- The AEC Committee currently meets at 9:00am on the first Thursdays of each month. The Chairperson shall notify committee members of any changes to this schedule at least one (1) week in advance. The committee has the authority to change or set the time and date of its meetings when required to meet the needs of the members.
- AEC Committee members will make themselves available to approve projects for which the committee provided conditional approval at the previous meeting, and pending submission of additional data. This is done as a courtesy for property owners to obtain approval of their projects.
Major Issues of Importance
Over-the-Counter Approvals at the Member Services Office
Over-the-counter approvals are for projects where the board has defined specific requirements and authorized management to grant approval if these requirements are met.
Over-the-counter approval can be obtained at the Member Services Office for the following:
Concrete Pours Fencing Walls
Landscaping New Siding Painting and Roofing
Gutters (new or replacement) Repair and/or Replacement Solar Panels
Tree Removal and Trimming Little Free Libraries Renewed Approvals
For requirement details and specifications, please contact our AEC Department at (805) 238-9641 x422 or [email protected]
- Emergency AEC Approval
An approval can be obtained in advance of an AEC Meeting if the property owner has a health and safety issue with their property that cannot wait. In these instances, the AEC Projects Manager or AEC Committee Chairperson can call in three (3) Committee Members to attend an Emergency Meeting to accommodate the property owner's needs.